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Bio-Life Glucosamine 750mg - 30 tablets - Nextage Pharmacy

RM 27.30
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Glucosamine 750mg mengandungi glukosamin yang penting untuk pembentukan tulang rawan dan tisu penghubung.

Glukosamin adalah gula amino yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh badan secara semula jadi dan dibawa ke bahagian tulang rawan dan tisu penghubung yang lain untuk merangsang pembentukan tulang rawan.

Glucosamine 750mg membekalkan glukosamin dalam bentuk glukosamin sulfat kalium klorida, yang mempunyai penyerapan lebih kurang 90% .


Glucosamine is an amino sugar that the body naturally produces and distributes in cartilage and other connective tissue to stimulate cartilage building.

Glucosamine 750mg provides glucosamine in the form of glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride, which has the absorption of approximately 90%.

  • Glucosamine plays a key role in building joint cartilage i.e. the tough connective tissue that cushions the end of joint bones.
  • Glucosamine is important in mucopolysaccharides production, which are the essential building blocks of joints, including tendons, cartilage, and synovial fluid1. This helps to improve and maintain the joint cartilage layer.

Who are recommended to take Glucosamine 750mg?
  • Those who wish to maintain joint health
  • Those who are experiencing osteoarthritis symptoms such as:

– Discomfort when using joints (eg: bending knees, walking up the stairs)
– Occasional joint stiffness or pain
– Frequent joint cracking sound

Siapakah yang digalakkan untuk mengambil Glucosamine 750mg?

  • Individu yang ingin mengekalkan kesihatan sendi
  • Individu yang mengalami gejala osteoarthritis, seperti:
  • – Ketidakselesaan ketika menggunakan sendi (contohnya: apabila membengkokkan lutut, naik tangga)
    – Rasa kejang atau sakit sendi sekali sekala
    – Sering menghasilkan bunyi keretakan pada sendi



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