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Hari Farmasi Dunia - 25 September

World Pharmacists Day is celebrated globally on 25 September by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) since 2010. 

This year’s theme is: “Pharmacy: Always trusted for your health”. The Department of Pharmacy is an active academic member of FIP and has been commemorating the day as an opportunity to reflect on the pharmacy education excellence at UM.

The University of Malta’s Department of Pharmacy within the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, organised a press gathering on 23 September 2021 to acknowledge the imperative contribution of pharmacists, pharmaceutical technologists and the pharmacy workforce towards the development and use of quality medicines in a safe and effective way.  The Press Conference was addressed by Hon. Dr Deo Debattista, Parliamentary Secretary for Consumer Protection and Public Cleansing, Prof. Lilian M. Azzopardi, Head of the Department of Pharmacy at University of Malta, Tamara Attard, President of the Malta Pharmaceutical Students Association, Stephen Falzon, Head of the Department of Pharmacy at Mater Dei Hospital and Professor Anthony Serracino-Inglott, Chairperson, Malta Medicines Authority.

This year’s World Pharmacists Day commemoration is particularly meaningful in the context of the pandemic, highlighting the pharmaceutical workforce collaboration with other healthcare professionals and patients to lead a successful national vaccination programme.  The excellence and high level contributions by pharmacists and pharmaceutical technologists within the Maltese workforce to the science of quality, effectiveness and safety of medicines and medical devices are recognised internationally. 

At the start of the new academic year, the Department of Pharmacy is looking forward to welcome students to the  pharmacy and pharmaceutical technology courses and the postgraduate students from over 15 countries from the EU and internationally to the campus.

Source : https://www.um.edu.mt/newspoint/news/2021/09/world-pharmacist-day

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